if love is not meant to be kept forever, let go of it, let it slip away like sand in ur hands..
yesterday was the very unorganised class outing to sentosa. but in the end 14 people turned up, with is quite amazing. 5 girls[abalone, zx, helen, qingyi, me] and 9 guys[CG, sinda, chin kuan, luxin, chih leong, faizal, zul, nabil, syafiq].
we were supposed to me at 9am at je according to my sms, but the night before me n sinda decided to me at 915. hoho since everyone will be late. we only left je at around 940. on the way, i was caught up with this stomach ache trouble, no choice but have to alight at commonwealth and headed to the washroom. it seemed so far, i thought i was going to faint while walking down the stairs coz my ears blocked and legs getting soft. ok then while i was inside the cubicle, the cleaner keeps on nagging to ask me come out she need to wash the toilet. like hello i said sorry, cant she understand that if i can go out i surely will? i only felt better when i reached outram park.
well we buy things at vivo until 11 plus then headed to sentosa, finally. the guys say tanjong beach is less crowded, so we headed there directly. its really at the very far far end of sentosa. usually everyone will go palawan or siloso. ok we played volley ball for awhile, UNO for awhile, then heart attacked, i was made to KISS the TREE! -.- at first the forfeits the thought of was more embarrasing, then i tot kissing the tree is the easiest. poor me. after that most of us went to the sea and play, only left with zx n sya at the shade playing games. basically my sun burnt is still burning now, more painful than yesterday, redder too. last night i cant even slp at a right position coz of my burnt shoulder. hai.. after sentosa some left and the rest went to this restaurant called the MUSSEL GUY. honestly, only the soup was nice. no wonder no one Q's there.
today i spent much time making sushi and delivering sushi. and bought sun yan zi's new NI GUANG(against the light) album.